Inserted AI-generated Microsoft poll about woman’s death rankles The Guardian

Enlarge (credit: Getty Images) On Tuesday, The Guardian accused Microsoft of damaging its journalistic reputation by…

Devolver Digital acquires System Era Softworks for up to $40M

Devolver Digital joined the consolidation craze with the acquisition of System Era Softworks for up to…

The Download: Biden’s executive order, and calling out AI harms

This is today’s edition of The Download, our weekday newsletter that provides a daily dose of what’s going…

A look at Apple’s ambition to revolutionize health care: some breakthroughs marred by philosophical disagreements, a culture of conservatism, and tech realities (Bloomberg)

Bloomberg: A look at Apple’s ambition to revolutionize health care: some breakthroughs marred by philosophical disagreements,…

Gaming’s dual reality with soaring sales amid rising layoffs

The gaming industry has been on a rollercoaster ride — from top-titles to layoffs. On one…